Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Update and project overhaul.

Hey everybody. Thanks for staying patient with the project.
As most of you have probably guessed. The tracks, artwork and poetry I have compiled with your help will not be released in time for a Christmas 2009 distribution. Everything was in place in mid-November for the albums to be manufactured but due to some miscommunication with the publishing outfit, I wasn't able to get a quote or even talk to anybody until recently.

So where does that leave us?

A good place, a very good place.
While "It Came Without Packages, Boxes or Tags: Shangri-La Media 2009" has been aborted. I am currently sending out emails and letters to all of the contributors requesting their permission to use their contributions on a soon-to-be-announced (with artwork and tracklist) independent compilation. I'm using this week to put together the art that has been submitted and re vamp the entire project with more publicity and intent than ICWPBT had.
If you are reading this and have contributed your CD, please send me a short email at letting me know it is okay to use your song, picture or poem on the new album.
I will contact the charities tomorrow and make sure they accept donations off-season.

Let's get this done!

Shangri-La Media