Sunday, September 20, 2009

We are getting there!

Just a quick update: I now have roughly 12 songs for the album, a few of them are from the same musicians (something we initially intended to avoid, but may not be the worst idea). To make the album an even more eclectic blend of undiscovered talent though, it is very important to be promoting the album. I've been pressing the random button on Purevolume and playing AmericanIdol-judge sitting in front of my macbook for a couple of weeks now trying to find and then contact people whose music just resonates the theme of compassion and simplicity.

You have all helped out so much with the project, I look forward to putting it into production starting in October. We are in the home stretch, and maybe it's my natural malcontent as an author and musician, but I still feel that there are many beautiful things waiting to happen to this album. As fall settles upon us in the Midwest and the Golden Frontier generally fades into winter, be alert for new possibilities. A few of the songs that will appear on the album, would not be appearing if somebody hadn't mentioned something to me after a coffee shop gig or an acoustic reading.

Thank you so much everybody. There is a wave of hope coming to those who have not felt it for some time. You are a part of this hope.

Don't stop believing.

Shangri-La Media.

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