Thursday, September 4, 2008

It Came Without Packages, Boxes or Tags

I know starting out an unsigned music review blog, I should probably be writing about the greatest band you've never heard, but instead I'm going to re-enter my proposal for what will no doubt be consuming me for the next 3 months.

Here is the original post, which appeared on as a bulletin, a branstorm, a battle that will be fought.

As the Holiday time will be here in no time I thought it would be a good idea for anybody who is able to help with something good for others. Whether that is through Toys for Tots or Operation: Christmas Child I have a huge list of charities that work especially hard around the holidays.

Here is my idea. If you are an independent singer or musician, I think it would be really neat if you could record one or two of the songs you have written (for copyright purposes, please no covers, unless it is public domain like a Christmas song) and send them to me (in .mp3 format at What I can do then, is I can put all of the songs I receive on a CD and have it printed and published.

Each disc would then be sold for about $7.00, initially, because I am a poor man, part of the cost would have to go to covering the cost of CD production. I've already researched though and found the most inexpensive printers who are in no way going to compromise the integrity of the disc. In fact, the grassroots printing will give it a certain character I feel, more of an indie vibe.

Also if you can record, or know of people who can record, let me know because I'm sure not everybody has the ability to do that in their household, and to keep cost low and charity high, its important that the recording is done pro bono.

Thanks everyone for reading this, and I look forward to hearing your contributions and being encouraged by your hearts.

Love Yourself

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