Thursday, September 4, 2008

It Came Without... Update 01

I need you all to start emailing me the songs, not just telling me you have something to contribute but actually sending me the songs at it's crucial that I start getting these as it's going to take a long time for me to get everything together with the production.

Which leads me to my next point: I've gotten much more people who said they're interested than I have room on the CD. This might turn into a bit of a competition to see who can get their tracks on. Don't think for a minute that because your piece lacks musical complexity or a full band or anything that it will be omitted. I'm going for a really eclectic blend of alternative music and myself, have really strange taste in music (so even though you might not think it's anything special, I would imagine it to be genius). Please remember, you are always your harshest critic and that what you have inside is probably more beautiful to others than anything you've heard is to you. The title I'm working for right now is "It Came Without Packages, Boxes or Tags:________ 2008" (where the blank is the name of the media station and music review empire I am attempting to formulate, at least for an excuse to spend this autumn listening to music all of the time). Recognize the title? That's right it's from the Grinch, Dr. Seuss' timeless classic about a mistaken, bitter man confusing the spirit of Christmas for commercial indulgence. Sadly, American society has come to a point where Christmas would be little without the presents...

Which leads me to my next point: The unifying force behind this CD will be the thematically emphasized need of our generation to break away from such mystification at material goods. If you do your part, and I do mine, each song, each peace of artwork will stress the idea that the Holidays should be a time when we celebrate a genuine feeling of warmth for others people regardless of their situations. Not only will this message be stressed, but I hope it will be made an example as anything that goes beyond the production cost of the CDs will go to the charity organization, "Operation: Christmas Child" and "Toys for Tots" both organizations are certified accountable (that is, they don't just front and take the money for themselves) and awesome ways to reach out and help people feel some of the joy we take for granted in the American Christmas Spirit...

Which leads me to my final point (speech class much ha): The package I'm looking at right now is buying bulk, 1000 CDs in Digipak packaging (for those of you who don't know, Digipak is that cool CD case you have where it's cardstock on the outside printed and then inside has a plastic dock for the actual CD. It will include a booklet which will have contributed artwork, contact details and maybe even a short biography about each of the artists/musicians who have contributed. There will be an extensive thank you to anyone who has helped through financial donations, prayer or in any other way assisted the project (encouragement is a big one, and honestly, desparately needed).

Thank you so much, I know this was huge.

Love yourself,


Ron Downey said...

Jordan...this looks interesting and good. I pray good things will come of it and you will have both wonderful music to share with the world and you will make money to help others. Well done!!


Britta Swiderski said...


Your love for everything is absolutely awesome.

Good luck- I'm here if you need to talk.