Saturday, September 13, 2008

It Came Without... Update 02

I was hoping to use today to actual publish a review of a CD I just did yesterday but it will have to wait. Instead, I'll let everybody know that I have two songs received and probably 5 or 6 more promised in addition to the one or two I am planning to contribute.

That which is certain: The title of the project is "It Came Without Packages, Boxes or Tags: Shangri-La Media 2008." The album artwork for the front is being finalized. It will have no more than 19 tracks and no less than 14. It will sell for $7.00 a disc, once I cover overhead the price may go down but since it's completely non-profit, it shouldn't be counted on. The artwork I have received already will in fact be featured in the CD booklet and the back of the CD may as well already have it's vacancy filled thanks to somebody's creative force.

That which is uncertain: Which tracks will be appearing on the CD, What the overall theme of those songs will be. If I will have room to publish lyrics. What kind of online interactivity will follow purchase of the CD. How many copies of the CD will be pressed (this is up to you, I need everybody to promote as well as order and take orders from others). How I'm going to pull this off ha. Where I'm going to be living next month (also another joke).

That which falls somewhere in between: What type of pressing I will be ordering. Actual disc artwork. Copyright information. Standards for acceptance. Label it will be pressed under. What charities the proceeds will be supporting.

Any way you can help out, please do. Prayer is really needed right now as well as encouraging words, most of all though, I need you to send me your music. I'm looking at about a two and half month timeline right now for production and credit raising, I am now working in Sacramento, so I have even less time to take care of the administrative aspects of the project, recieving your music is taking a huge burden off of my shoulders. Thank you everyone for reading.

Love yourself,

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